

Change that to redheads and call me Ron Swanson.
I've only seen the first season of "Parks and Recreation", but I am anxiously awaiting seeing the bit where Ron is served a salad and tells the waiter, "This is food that my food eats."  Ron is a capitalist libertarian who believes the government should have as few people working for it as possible.  He works for the local government.  

Rest day today, but I did download the Stronglifts 5x5 workout tracker and ebook.  According to the spreadsheet, it appears that the program is generally designed for those who are looking to more slowly increase their strength.  I started my 5 rep sets at ~75% of my one rep max, whereas he suggests starting at about 50% of your 1 rep max.  This would equate to hitting your 1 rep max weight as your final 5x5 set around week 12.  So I either started heavier than he suggests or I am already stronger than most that do the program.  Or both.  Either way, I am eeking out progress and not toiling away at low weights that probably didn't do anything for me.  

So, in honor of Ron Swanson and the once a month T-bone steak and lobster, today I had three T-bone steaks, nuts, some vegetables and coconut.

How many calories does salt have?

Despite the Earl Grey tea, I still fell asleep reading at the library an hour later.  Phew.

Woodwork and pink roses make this guy happy.