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I started trying to find a pattern by which it can be determined if Gary Oldman's movie characters are good or evil by his facial hair but that failed. Let's just hypothesize that J.K. Rowling would have let Sirius Black live if he would have had a mustache and not a goatee.
Commissioner Gordon is loyal to Batman, but more importantly to Gotham (refuses to leave while Gotham is destroying itself) and to his principles, most of the time.
Made headway tonight making a list of meaderies in the USA. This will be my final project for the Maps and the Geospatial Revolution course. So far it involves a lot of copy-paste-no no; not that formatting, this formatting.
Watched "Skyfall" tonight, which is not what I expected it to be. I assumed going in that there would be double and triple and quaternary secret agents lurking about and constantly changing sides. It was relatively straightforward, but we do get to see James Bond vulnerable, so that was a different approach. Ponderings:
- MI6 agents don't know how to operate construction equipment.
- Someone trained in computer forensics and encryption should know better than to blithely plug an adversary's computer into your work's network. Q will probably have to retake security training via CBT...
- Handheld hacksaws are useful, but if you are going to destroy an antique shotgun (not rifle) to look cool while shooting at henchmen, it's going to take a while and you are going to have blisters.
- Turn off your flashlight, Albert Finney.
- If Silva is telling the truth, M gave him to the Chinese in exchange for other prisoners whereupon he was tortured. Is anyone else uncomfortable realizing that maybe M and Bond are wrong, but we don't care because of Daniel Craig's grin?
So James Bond is loyal to M and to England, Sirius Black is loyal to Harry Potter and Sherlock Holmes is loyal to England as well. Six days ago at work we pondered how such a small isle as the land of the Angles, Jutes, Picti and who knows who else could create an empire that would effectively take over the world. It could have been due to Guns, Germs and Steel and Earl Grey tea, or maybe it is due to loyal mustaches. More importantly, when did the sun set on the British Empire?
Took advantage of the kettlebells in the other gym tonight and got creative with some power snatch.
Warmup: 6 chinups, 10 dips
Workout: Five rounds 5-100lb power snatch and 5 55lb kettlebell swings. Last three sets added overhead squat to the power snatch.
Cooldown: 5 chinups
Same dinner...
No bread was harmed in the eating of this meal. |