

After doing some reading about my workout, I decided to simplify it even more.  I'll do less reps in my warmup, focus on one big exercise (bench, shoulder press, deadlifts and squats, maybe cleans) and then do a short cooldown/skill.  Tonight I think I didn't do enough weight in my bench since I did a bunch of mini cooldowns.  Anyway...

Warmup: 6 chinups, 6 weighted (my 7.5lb backpack) chinups, 6 weighted dips, 6 pushups
Workout: bench press: 5-185, 5-190, 5-195, 5-200, 5-210 with a 5min rest between sets
Cooldown: Bench press 4-175, 45lb plate lifts, standing dumbbell tricep presses: 2-80, 1-90, 6 handstand pushup progressions

Focusing on protein...oh and that isn't my milk

Here is my destankify orange peels...not sure if they do much, but no mice came by.


My improved key fob...no other dorm room key like it

They night manager at the coffee beanery ground the whole coffee beans sent to Sam by the Rogers Family again.  I felt obliged, so I bought a vanilla/almond tea (didn't want caffeine at 3am).  Afterwards, he asked me where I keep getting the coffee (his coworkers must have told him I've brought about 5lbs of beans to be ground).  He must have wondered where on the base I was getting these things.  I let him know a company from the states sent them.  If only there was a company that sent free coffee grinders, french presses and Brita Filters.

...and a poem to go to sleep by.


Dusty souls
Side sleeping simian
hanging on for dear life
saving stopping evil doers

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