
Contact Combat

Imi Lichtenfeld, the creator of Krav Maga

I found my local Krav Maga gym via a groupon last fall.  I had started learning about KM in San Antonio 9 years ago, but only kept it up for a few months.  The instructor/owner is cool and let me put my membership on hold for the time I would be deployed.  In no way on track to a yellow belt, I mostly utilized the KravFit classes, which were Crossfit style sessions with some KM movements.  There are some lunchtime offerings, which were convenient since the gym is close to work and home.  That being said, I plan to cancel my membership due to the cost ($148 a month) and time (mostly evening courses).   I plan to spend more evening time with my family.  Today was my son's first day at preschool, so I imagine I'll be up late helping with homework...such as creating Rorschach tests with finger paint, creating a maximizing function for the number of train tracks to fit in the living room floor and studying the reproductive habits of red wiggler worms.

At work I finished another bottle of Sriracha that was in the drawer of assorted hot sauces and seasonings.

As of today, I've been a captain for five years.  Time flies.
