
Men with beards

So I am finally getting into David Sedaris.  The past two nights I've been going to sleep crying as he talks about his sister Amy's nonconformist makeup ("make me look like someone beat the shit out of me") and describing learning French.  It was interesting seeing him interviewed on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart...I wouldn't be opposed to reading about Owls.

Tonight I got to play the game "How to understand what Blogger is telling me."  For whatever reason, Google's Blogger, or blogs hosted by such, show up with some of the menu options in Arabic.  I knew there was a way to fix this, but tonight I switched to French, then Spanish, then German then finally American English.

Again, keeping it short and simple, with 5:00 rests in between sets of squats:

Warmup: 6 15lb weight chinups, 6 bar overhead squats
Workout: Squats 5-225, 5-225, 5-230, 5-235, and 5-240
Cooldown: 6 20lb weighed chinups

I switched up my meals today as well, based on the intermittent fasting technique espoused by Martin Berkhan of leangains.com and others.  Basically I skip breakfast (my 4pm walk in the oven to the cafeteria) and eat around 8pm and 3am.  My fasting is while I sleep and for 4ish hours from when I get up till breakfast (at dinner time).  Working so far.

When I was younger, at dinner my dad used to say, "You should thank that cow (or chicken, or turkey or whatever); it gave its life for you."  So tonight, I thank you, dear dead cow, for the 2 inches of stacked roast beef on my plate.

After I ate this I went back and got two more slices.

Here's more alongside the road artwork.

I think this was after Loki took Thor's GI Joe action figures.

This has got to be the Saint of Killers.  After looking at that picture, if it's not the Saint, then I'm Sam Elliott.

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