I was just dropped off back at my room by a Australian who saved me from the humidity outside. I could tell he was Australian because he said he is going on holiday (vacation), with his mates (friends) and he can't wait to dig into a vegemite sandwich.
Last night the girl next door was rearranging her room. I heard loud crashes repeatedly coming through the wood paneling that passes for walls here. After they subsided, I knocked on her door and asked if she was okay or needed help. She apologized for disturbing my intense blogging and told me she took the top bunk off her bed (and then, I assume, let it fall). I told her it wasn't a problem, as I was up anyway (the signs on our doors say we both work
night shift). She replied, "Is your mustache real and why did you grow it?"
Guess it's time to buy a new pair of Vibrams. My current pair of fivefingers has multiple holes and is growing a hole underneath the left sole. Vibram is holding a Labor Day sale and I considered waiting till Christmas or Beltane to purchase a new pair, but I might just spend the 50 bucks now. It may also be worth it to try to repair the shoes, but even if I don't, I think $70 for four and a half years isn't bad.
I'm will to trade this pair for some Batman comics. |
Also found out that the Penn State course that I completed resulted with a 95.6% and passing with distinction. So I guess my time wasn't ill spent the last few months and maybe I learned something.
Greater than 95% means I know where you live. |
I'm pretty beat after my shift so I plan on reading and going to sleep. No plates of eggs tonight, just some supplements and water (aka prison food without the bread and wine made in the toilet).
Magnesium and BCAAs. |
Happy Labor Day!