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"Bruce, I know your parents are dead, but here's a wool coat." |
- How did Bane take Batman to the prison? Business class? "Yes that's one checked mask and one carry-on. Yes, I know Christian Bale is more than $50 and I'll pay the fee."
- Are you telling me that the best way to recover from a broken back is getting punched in the broken spot a few times? What do they administer for a urinary tract infection?
- It is very misleading and disheartening that all Bruce Wayne does to recover while in prison is eat a few crackers, do wide pushups, some situps and pullups. If regular guys did this in prison, we would not be able to fight Bane a few months later, we would be very, very tired and weak.
- What was up with the rope? First, why have a means of escape and secondly what was it tied to? Why not just climb out?
- How did Batman get from the prison to Gotham? The prison appears to be in the desert and he left with a rolled up wad of nothing. No credit cards, no wallet, no passport.
- Didn't anyone hear Bane's crew underneath the Wayne Enterprises building?
- Ra's Al Ghul was killed about ten years prior to the movie. How did his daughter (who looks to be in her thirties) find out from her dad that Bruce Wayne = Batman and, oh by the way, please kill him.
- What is the problem with the Wayne background check system? Both Selina Kyle and Miranda Tate, aka Talia al Ghul were let into Wayne Mansion and the board of directors of Wayne Enterprises, respectively.
- Why didn't Batman just punch Bane in the face during the first fight?
- Maybe CIA agents should do a better inspection of prisoners before believing thugs on their identity.
- During his second fight with Bane, Batman was recovering from a broken back and somehow had energy enough after traveling (presumably) across an ocean. Yet he didn't need the leg brace that he did need during the first fight.
- Why didn't Batman shoot Bane with the Batwing during his escape from the rooftop with Catwoman or while strafing his own tumbler prototype outside City Hall?
Yesterday I finally got some negative mustache points. The major I effectively report to noticed my sauce saver crawling out to my ears and told me to trim it. So last night I snipped and razored it down, closer to the edges of my mouth. Tonight he thanked me for trimming it. I was told I went from looking like a 1970's actor to looking like a master sergeant.
Also found out that my replacement will be here in 10 days rather than three weeks. So I am working towards getting him ready for things here. With our overlap being about a month versus ten days, I think that means I should continue to have my own room rather than share for a while. This is actually good news or the new guy, since the guy I replaced couldn't sleep very well with my snoring. My caterpillar could be a decent snore-muffler, but I guess I'll never know.