
The Gourds

My work cell phone here is from circa 1998 and has 13 digits.  It's weird and sad at the same time.

I just got back from saying goodbye to two guys, working out and eating.  It was my first time in the Fox Sports bar...I had envisioned drunken revelry and peer pressure to chug German lagers (not old German lager).  Instead it was rather brightly lit and quiet.  I said my well-wishes and then...

Warmup: 15 situps, 15 back extensions, 15 pushups, 15 bar overhead squats and 8 pullups
Workout: 15-12-9 115lb hang cleans and burpees; 10:04
Cooldown: 15 dips and 10 feet to bar

Post workout meal consisted of the 4 S's: steak, steak, sauerkraut and salad.  To wit:

On my way back from the dining facility, I saw a guy talking to a girl outside one of the Cadillacs (a concrete common bathroom).  He was trying to convince the girl of something and he looked at me and said, "...just ask him."  I recognized him from the gym, but couldn't imagine a scenario where they were arguing about dips: "Dips in the gym are when you lower yourself in a hanging position, not ranch, bleu cheese and barbeque!"  I stopped and said, "Ask me what?"  To which the female inquired, "Why are there cameras pointed at the Female's door to the Cadillac?"  The obvious answer is that some bozo(s) were caught going into the females bathroom or lurking outside...guys must realize this without thinking too much and women not so much.

The workers (I don't think they quite rank as baristas) ground another bag of organic whole beans for me.  For some reason, companies sending coffee to soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen must assume coffee grinders come in MREs or deployment bags or something.  

I'm sure the inside of your local Starbucks looks just like this door

Before I went in to work today, I regaled myself with the music of The Gourds.  The only song I know is their remake of Snoop Dogg's "Gin and Juice."  Enjoy.

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