
Henry Chinaski

Charles Bukowski.  Wow.  If you've seen Barfly or that other one with Matt Dillon, you probably thought to yourself, "My life isn't so bad."  Check this one out.  I don't think it's depressing, but rather that it gives you a healthier perspective on those you might be competing with in your life.

Here are two of my bad poems I wrote last night.  Someone smart once said, "If you are afraid to write badly, you'll never write well."

Smiling Foreigners
dying, buzzing insects
grinding, happy gears
eight foamy coffees
thousands of dollars
multihued national flags
sarcastic symbolic stickers
scoop, scoop, scoop
green exit dances on the stones

Held together with glue
wimpy burgers on edge
happy energy sodas exclaim
cloudy Canadian border beasts
rabbit bikini contests
let's get weird

It interesting to see and hear the rules of thumb that people in the gym and dining facility go by.  Supersets...don't eat the egg yolks...don't eat too much...eat enough carbs...I worked out today so I'll eat a gallon of ice cream.  I kind ran out of steam there, but you get the point.  How much of what we "know as truth" is truly true and how much has been parroted around the world for decades without anyone questioning it?

Feel pretty good about increasing my squat weight by 15lbs since the 23rd.

Warmup: 4 chinups and 6 dips with 27.5lb dumbbell
Workout: Squats: 5-230, 5-235, 5-245, 5-250, 5-260
Cooldown: 3 chinups with 33lb dumbbell

Basically made a postworkout meal of mostly fat and fiber.

The end.

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